Thursday, August 16, 2007

A Praise!

Last night as I was cleaning up the kitchen, Esther came to me and started asking questions about God and why Jesus would leave Heaven and come to earth if He was going to die on the cross? I explained to her why He came and how we were able to go to heaven if we ask Him to forgive us of our sins. She said, "I think we need to go sit in the red rocking chair and you need to pray with me and I need to do that." We sat down and I tried to explain everything to her in a way she could understand and I was about to ask her if she would like to repeat a prayer after me when all of a sudden she started praying on her own. She ask Jesus to forgive her for all the bad things she does like being a tattletale and that she really wanted to go to heaven, so would he please come into her heart!

When she finished praying she wanted to know when we could all go to heaven together and that would she know when it was time to leave. She also had lots of questions about how He could live in her heart and be in heaven at the same time. I tried to not use "heart" when explaining it all to her, but she had heard that in Sunday School and it had stuck. She was just amazed He could live inside her and she could talk to Him whenever she wanted to.

When I was ready to tuck her in, she said tuck US in, because Jesus is here too and then she patted her little chest and said , Go ahead and say your prayers He is here and He is listening!

She went to sleep with a big smile on her face and told me she hoped that she would dream about Heaven! I am so thankful that the Lord allowed all three of my little lights to come to Him at a young age! So welcome Esther Hope into God's great big family!!


Anonymous said...

Let me be one of the first to say praise God and welcome our little sister Esther into the family of God. Hope all is well in Florida. God bless you guys and give us a call or come and see us sometime.....

The Dillingham's

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful story to share! I am so thankful that you had the opportunity to lead Esther to the Lord. If I know Esther, I know Jesus will be her best friend and she will take Him with her everywhere she goes. She will talk to Him and care for Him in her own special way. This is a lesson we can all learn from. See, I told you Esther would be one of your best students! Please tell her that I am proud of her. I will see you soon.
Love ya!

Anonymous said...

So proud of our little Esther and all three of your little lights -- can't wait to see them this week!!!
Love, NANA